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January 2025 Rider Ratings Update

By December 25, 2024Rider Ratings

The United States Team Penning Association, Inc. today announced updates to rider ratings. The updates were made following the recent meetings of the Regional Ratings Committees and the National Ratings Committee. These changes are effective January 1, 2025.

The rating number shown is the new rating classification assigned to that rider for that sport (Team Penning and/or Ranch Sorting). All ratings will also be updated in the USTPA Association Database.
The USTPA has 9 Rating Classifications. Riders have separate ratings for Penning and Sorting and those ratings could be different.

Four criteria are used by Regional and National Rating Committees to determine a riders’ ratings in this 9 rating scale in Penning and Sorting including:  Win/Loss ratio based on previous two years of competition,  or in the case of a rider that has been consistently moved up in the rating system, the review period is typically one year; Horsemanship skills as well  as the rider’s overall ability to ride; The quality of steed to be used, and arena awareness and cattle reading skills.

The goal of the USTPA rider rating system is to have a fair and impartial process for rating all USTPA riders. We recognize that managing any rating system that rates riders on a national and even international scale, especially one that has a subjective element to it, is an on-going challenge. Nevertheless, the association is committed to a system of fairness with all USTPA rider ratings, and we welcome the input of every member to help us achieve this goal.

Any USTPA member that has a question about his/her rating, or about the rating system in general, is encouraged to contact the USTPA office, or any Director or Officer of the USTPA. We value your input, and we want to hear from you.

Click here to view updated rider ratings (pdf)